I recently visited a blogsite which considers itself as truly conservati ve and lists strong objections to John McCain. Instead of dismissing those members of the Republican Party as Right Wingers, I see them as the conscience of the party, reminding us on the "pure" core values - some form of Zen goal one should try to work towards to, but never really accomplishes fully.
I was harshly commented, when I posted a moderate piece. One of the replies reflects a sentiment within the Republican Party, noone should just dismiss, which is why I will quote the issues and then offer my slant on things.
Overall, to set the tone
- I am a pragmatist and optimist. I truly believe that 4 steps into the right direction are superior to 2 steps backwards.
- I am a business exec who tries to utilize a leadership style of listening to my specialists and let them do what they're good at and specifically educated to do.
- Changing/adapting my opinion/strategy due to (evolving or changing) frame condition, or adopting someone else's idea I consider not as flip-flopping, but as strength to change vs. stubborness.
>>>McCain was the leading opponent to Bush tax cuts and used Dem rhetoric to try and stop them. He now is for them? You believe him. That is your problem>>>>>
Arnold here tried recently to push some initiative forward like a bulldozer, then got slapped by the voters. The next day he came out and humbly apologized, admitting factual mistakes and taking full responsibility for the defeat. I appreciate such humility and honesty, inasmuch as John did something similar concerning the cuts. He had the guts to change opinion and admit so, even though he knew he would be called flip-flopper for sure.
To learn, accept, evolve and adapt it to my opinion a strength - not a weakness.